Visit by H.E Field Marshal Birhanu Jula Chief of General Staff of the Defence Forces of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on 29 February 2024.
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H.E Field Marshal Birhanu Jula having a word with the Commandant National Defence College Maj Gen Rashid Elmi at the Commandants office.
H.E Field Marshal Birhanu Jula and Ethiopia Delegation during the brief of the College.
H.E Field Marshal Birhanu Jula is being explained on how the National Defence College Library operates by the Chief Librarian Lt Col Peter Munywoki.
H.E Field Marshal Birhanu Jula, Commandant NDC Maj Gen Rashid Elmi , College Faculty and Ethiopia Delegation in a group photo.
Commandant NDC Maj Gen Rashid Elmi Presents a memento to H.E Field Marshal Birhanu Jula.