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Course Overview

The National Defence College offers the National Security and Strategy course. The College was accredited to the University of Nairobi in 2002 to offer Diploma and Masters of Arts degree in International Studies as part of the College curriculum to improve on the quality of the knowledge acquired by participants.


Key Objective – To enable a Participant attain a high level of conceptual thinking derived from a close, detailed and reflective study of a wide spectrum of issues geared towards National Security.

Focus – Study of contemporary issues in National Security and Strategy.


The duration of the course is  48 weeks. Within this period, participants who will have registered for university certification will take the appropriate examinations for  Masters of Arts, Diploma or Certificate in International Studies.


During the last week of the course, a National Security Seminar takes place, through which Kenya’s National Vision and Grand Strategy is articulated. A cross section of Prominent Personalities are invited to share their experiences and views