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Official opening of Course 27-2024/2025 and Keynote address by Defence Cabinet Secretary Hon. Aden Duale on 3 July 2024.

Official opening of Course 27-2024/2025 and Keynote address by Defence Cabinet Secretary Hon. Aden Duale on 3 July 2024.

Cabinent Secretary Ministry of Defence Hon. Aden Duale is received by the Commandant National Defence College Lt Gen Juma Mwinyikai at the College Headquarters.

Cabinent Secretary Ministry of Defence Hon. Aden Duale Signs The Visitors Book At The College Headquarters.

Cabinent Secretary Ministry of Defence Hon. Aden Duale Delivers His Opening Address to Course 27-24/2025 at the College Lecture Hall.

Course 27-24/2025 Participants Keenly Follows Through the Address.

Hon. Aden Duale – CS MOD, Lt Gen J S Mwinyikai – Comdt NDC, Amb Simon Nabukwesi-D/CMDT Civil, Maj Gen S Mutuku – SDS Army, Brig P Githinji – Col Sec, NDC Faculty and Course 27 – 24/2025 Participants in a Group Photo



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